Nissan NP200: Why It’s The Bakkie You Should Purchase

If you're in the market for a bakkie to help mobilize your new or current business in this time where delivery has become a crucial type of service, making the right decision can mean the difference between a worthy investment and failure. Look no further than the Nissan NP200 bakkie.
Nissan NP200 Accessories
Nissan NP200 Size

The NP200 seems like a toy next to its larger opponents, but don't underestimate this little utility vehicle's capabilities or uses.
Nissan NP200 Price

It should come as no surprise that the Nissan NP200 price is significantly cheaper than bigger opponents. Second-hand models from the past two or three years range in the region of R130 000.
Nissan NP200 Fuel Consumption

Again, smaller beats bigger when it comes to how much you'll have to fork out for petrol. The NP200 will get you an average of 10.31km per litre at 8.1 litres per 100km, while the average for a petrol Hilux, for example, is 11 litres per 100km and diesel models come in around 7.7 to 8.2 litres per 100km.
Nissan NP200 Resale Value

The Nissan NP200 is one of the bakkies at Group 1 Nissan that ranks at the top for best resale value in it’s category bracket. NP200 models are always in demand with consumers looking for a practical, low-cost transport vehicle
Nissan NP200 Uses

Out of all the factors when deciding between bakkies, what you intend to use it for should be the biggest deciding factor. If you're running a small delivery business or just need a vehicle to get rid of garden refuse and do occasional moving, the NP200 will serve you perfectly and you won't need anything bigger. As a small business delivery vehicle, there is ample room for storage of goods and, with the addition of a canopy, you'll need nothing more.

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